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Redemption Bourbon 700ml

This bourbon was crafted to highlight the classic flavours of the highest quality Bourbons.

Reefton Distilling Little Biddy Pink Gin 700ml

Made with hand picked, locally grown berries, this vibrant and refreshing pink gin is subtly sweet and floral, yet complex with a hidden palate of warm West Coast rainforest resin that characterises the Little Biddy Gin range.

Remarkable Cream Butterscotch 700ml

A remarkably delicious blend of NZ fresh cream, butterscotch, and exceptionally smooth milk vodka - simply unrivalled. Remarkable Cream is a family business that produces a New Zealand alternative to Irish Cream Liqueurs. Their recipe showcases the best of NZ's dairy products: fresh cream and high-quality milk Vodka. Inspired by the distinctive toffee from New Zealand's favourite cookbook - The original Butterscotch is truly world-class, balancing sweetness and flavour - while enabling the fresh cream and milk vodka to really shine. The Remarkable Cream recipe has more fresh cream and less sugar than other international liqueur brands.

Ricard Pastis de Marseille French Apertif 700ml

Following the ban on absinthe, pastis was produced to satisfy the thirst for anise-flavoured aperitifs, minus the wormwood and the skyscraping alcohol levels. Dilute with cold spring water.

Richelieu Brandy 43% 750ml

This Brandy is made in the age-old French tradition, steeped in the French brandy master's art of combining breeding, purity, mellowness and maturity to produce a rich and rewarding, full-bodied brandy. Its mellow maturity flows from years in casks of cognac oak, with richness derived from the fine art of the traditional French copper pot distillation.

Rifters Blue Gold Gin 700ml

This Blue Gold Limited Release gin was inspired by the gold miners who explored the glacial rivers of Arrowtown, in search of that elusive nugget. Blue Gold is one of the rarest forms of gold, which makes it a lot like this gin. A bold botanical gin, small batch distilled with the addition of Lemon Grass, Kaffir Lime, Szechuan Pepper & Butterfly Pea Flower.

Rifters Original Dry Gin 700ml

Rifter's Original Dry gin is an enhanced dry gin full of botanical flavour, pure, clean and balanced. Experience warm earthy and citrus tones, with a smooth dry finish.

Rifters Quartz Gin 700ml

A botanical gin, small batch distilled. Infused with Elderberries & Mint Tips, along with locally foraged Wild Thyme, Manuka and Douglas Fir. Experience eucalypt and citrus high notes with a smooth and long herbaceous juniper finish. Be transported to Central Otago.

Rogue Society Signature Gin 700ml

Rogue Society Signature Gin. Versatility is key. Botanicals: Gisborne grapefruit, Hawke's Bay coriander, Spanish juniper, Polish angelica, Spanish orange, Italian orris root. Tasting Notes: Juniper upfront, fresh coriander, with citrus & floral angelica, creamy preserved grapefruit with delicate orris finish.

Rogue Society Signature Vodka 700ml

Rogue Society Signature Vodka. The perfect canvas for crafting cocktails. Botanicals: Wheat based grain, water (Clutha River, Southern Alps, New Zealand) Tasting notes: Creamy upfront wheat, apple & mint builds complexity, dry & long with a buttery mouthful.

Rose & Twig Blood Orange Gin 700ml

Triple distilled, and produced in very small batches to order, Rose & Twig only source the finest natural ingredients and fruit to craft their products with contemporary flair and a modern twist for today's premium gin lovers.

Rose & Twig Blueberry Gin 700ml

Triple distilled, and produced in very small batches to order, Rose & Twig only source the finest natural ingredients and fruit to craft their products with contemporary flair and a modern twist for today's premium gin lovers.
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